Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies
6889 Rowland Rd
Eden Prairie,
MN55344United States
(952) 540-4050
Organization Type:
Public or Private Sector:
Type of Funding Agency:
Private Foundation
Type of Support:
Multiple Discrete Program Areas or Departments
Types of Activities Funded:
Individual Artists
Arts Organizations
Total Funds Granted for Arts for Change Activity:
Restrictions on Grantmaking:
Programs and Services:
The Philanthropies serves as the umbrella over three grantmaking organizations founded by Margaret A. Cargill, all with a common vision: To provide meaningful assistance and support to society, the arts, the environment and all living things. The Foundation, created upon Ms. Cargill’s death in 2006, has programs reflecting her passions and priorities, including the environment; the arts; services to families, children and the elderly; disaster-related relief, recovery, and development; planned health; and animal welfare.