For Youth Inquiry (FYI)
FYI is new nonprofit organization made up of artists, educators, and activists. We use participatory theater to foster safe, accessible conversations about sexual health and sexual violence. FYI has three primary models of programming: Performance Tour FYI tours our two participatory plays to schools and after-school programs. These performances open the door to safe and engaging conversations about sexual health and sexual violence with youth audiences. Choose from the following two performance options: Project US follows four friends through a journey of discovering and questioning how they learn and talk about sex. They use games and audience interaction to include the audience in creative conversations about sexual health and sexual decision-making. Can I Hit It? is a performance about sexual violence, boundaries, and consent that follows four friends as they discuss how sexual violence impacts their lives and school community. The play invites the audience to write their own definitions of sexual violence, examine how they may be affected by it, and practice interrupting violent situations. Both performances are 45 minutes in length and are performed for an audience of no more than 40 students. FYI provides resources to the adult contact to continue conversations and answer questions generated by the plays. Partner Performance Series FYI provides the first day of programming for partner organizations that conduct sexual health education and sexual violence prevention programs by performing either Project US or Can I Hit It? On this first day of programming, FYI creates a safe, creative learning environment that increases youth participation and engagement in the partner program. Creative Capacity Building Initiative FYI’s offers workshops and professional development trainings on how to infuse youth programming with participatory theatre activities that lead to deeper engagement and learning. We provide creative tools, skills and practice that adults can utilize in any social justice youth program to increase creative capacity and participation of the communities they serve.