SOSSI (Saving Our Sons & Sisters International)
Saving Our Sons & Sisters International (SOSSI) is a 501c3 non-profit organization made up of “no excuse” lead- ers of integrity committed to making a difference in the lives of youth and adults, by transforming and improving their educational experiences and outcomes. Our organized collaborative provides supportive leadership and strategic focus with systematic solutions. SOSSI provides best practice education and academic enrichment activities, solutions, professional development, training, strategic planning, life-coping skills training, mentorship, coaching, entrepreneurship, career exploration, and prep for success sessions taught by Subject Matter Experts (SME) and industry professionals. Education, practical experience, work-readiness, and digital literacy skills are vital for preparing students to work, live and contribute to the social and civic fabric of their communities. Programs and services are aligned with the Holland Code used by the Georgia Department of Education.
SOSSI mentors, educates, and coaches students, teachers, corporate, and community partners while providing collaborative resources to support the parents and community stakeholders. Our mission is to transform and improve the overall success of youth and communities. Being innovative thinkers for social good, we seek to create opportunities for research, development, implementation, and evaluation to manage sustainable change. In this ecosystem, collaborators expose students to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering/Entrepreneurship, Agriculture/Arts/Design, Math) project-based learning activities to give them experience as they explore career options, identify job specific skills required, learning the importance of customer service, and teamwork, developing 21st century skills. This group is made up of community and corporate partners committed to youth success and community development; one child, one parent, one family, and one community at a time. The flexibility of our partnerships will benefit all stakeholders. We are dedicated to creating an alternative education and training environment for school districts, college students, and post-graduates that are challenged to identify comprehensive support programs and workspace.
The goal is to transform and improve the overall exposure and success of youth and their community; using a volunteer/partner driven COMmunity PArtnership for Student Success (COMPASS) Program as the catalyst. Our COMPASS Model is an interactive, collaborative partnership between corporate partners, communities and schools; developing a learning environment that has a life beyond the school walls and includes the community. Current Collaboratives- ALMA (Arts Leaders of Metro Atlanta), ARCHI (Atlanta Regional Health Community Improvement: TriCities & DeKalb County, CPEC (College Park Enrichment Collaborative) & Westside On The Rise (Vine City).
These programs provide academic support and enrichment for aspiring young entrepreneurs or parents who would like to grow their businesses, and work in an innovative, energetic and collaborative workspace by providing resources and support in implementing these select programs:
-The S.E.E.D. (Student Enrichment Empowering Development) Academy- STEAM summer camp and Out of School Time Camps
-MyGPS (Game Plan for Success)- a career navigation tool aligned with your passion, interests, skills & 17 Career Clusters
-Ready By 2020- Workforce Development Initiatiave to identify, engage, train, and place youth and adults, especially 16-24yrs.
-AAMI (African American Male Initiative)- college & career readiness at Booker T. Washington High School
-STEAM StartUp- STEM + Arts/Design integration education & Biz Spark (MS)incubator
-YES (Young Entrepreneurs Society) Financial Literacy, Academic Enrichment & 6wk JA Course
-Google Maker & CS First- makerspace and computer science certification
-FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Lego League- youth/high school coding/robotics competition