Imagining America


203 Tolley BuildingSyracuse University
Syracuse, NY13244
Organization Type: 
Service Organization
Programs and Services: 

As a consortium of more than 80 member colleges and universities, Imagining America’s mission is to strengthen the public and civic purposes of humanities, arts and design through mutually beneficial campus-community partnerships. Imagining America supports public scholarship through the Tenure Team Initiative, Assessing the Practices of Public Scholarship, and other programs. The Tenure Team Initiative (TTI) seeks to influence promotion and tenure policies through reports that help academic leaders understand and value the public scholarship, creations, and performances of faculty in humanities and the arts. The Publicly Active Graduate Education (PAGE) program supports graduate students and early career scholars pursuing publicly-engaged academic work. Assessing the Practices of Public Scholarship (APPS) aims to help members advance practice in documenting, measuring, and assessing the impact of public scholarship and campus-community partnerships in arts, humanities, and design.