Esperanza Peace & Justice Center
The Esperanza Peace and Justice Center works toward a world where everyone has civil rights and economic justice, where the environment is cared for, and where cultures are honored and communities are safe. The people of Esperanza believe that to participate fully in democratic civic life, individuals must be culturally grounded, confident of their own voices, and certain of the value of their contributions, and that art and culture make these qualities possible by connecting us to our histories and planting the seeds for our self-worth. Through artistic creation and cultural expression, previously silenced groups and isolated individuals come to new understandings of themselves, each other, and the world. The Esperanza promotes networking of social, economic, environmental justice, and community-based arts organizations with the belief that needed social change will only come through working together – learning from and teaching each other, sharing resources and supporting each other’s work. The Esperanza provides physical places for grassroots activists to meet and work together, and creates a supportive space of cooperation, sharing, and community-building. The Esperanza also helps individuals and grassroots organizations acquire knowledge and skills by providing individualized assistance and group workshops on grant writing, board and membership development, fundraising, facilitation and leadership, and alliance building.