Capacity (social capital, skills, practice, resources)

A growing number of colleges and universities are expanding and deepening the role that publicly engaged scholarship in the humanities, arts, and design can play in contributing to positive change in the communities and regions within which higher...
Last Updated: September 4, 2013
Open space documentary is an emerging framework for community-based media. Intentional participatory media experiments are proliferating across rapidly developing and evolving distribution platforms.
Last Updated: September 4, 2013
Youth media is a diverse array of practices in which young people collaborate with artists and educators to express themselves creatively, communicate with peers across borders, and participate in community dialogue and problem solving. Social...
Last Updated: September 4, 2013
In towns all across the United States, young people are using music and art to make interesting, creative, and positive things happen in their communities. They are punks, rappers, educators, singer-songwriters, artists, and community organizers who...
Last Updated: September 4, 2013
Caron Atlas' essay on MicroFest: Appalachia focuses on the connections between civic capacity, imagination, and moral economy in Appalachia.
Last Updated: September 4, 2013
A May 22 Funder Exchange on Evaluating Arts & Social Impact, presented by Americans for the Arts’ Animating Democracy program and hosted by the Nathan Cummings Foundation, brought together funders, evaluation professionals, and arts...
Last Updated: September 20, 2013
In this paper, long-time community arts chronicler Linda Frye Burnham offers snapshots of selected projects that help capture the range of community arts projects and programs happening today. They are led by veteran and up-and-coming artists and...
Last Updated: October 29, 2013
As a long-time activist and co-founder of the Boston-based Design Studio for Social Intervention (DS4SI), Lori Lobenstine discusses making meaning and creating change in the public sphere through the integration of social justice strategies with art...
Last Updated: January 13, 2014
Last Updated: May 28, 2014
Patterns of participation for arts and cultural activities have resisted significant change. In Making Meaningful Connections, The James Irvine Foundation researches attendance patterns of small, community-based cultural organizations and events....
Last Updated: August 1, 2014
Silk Road Rising (formerly known as Silk Road Theatre Project) creates live theatre and online videos that tell stories through primarily Asian American and Middle Eastern American lenses. In representing communities that intersect and overlap, we...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
Created through a series of community Weaving Bees, this abandoned playground is being woven with reclaimed materials into a neighborhood gathering space. This project is aimed at inter-generational collaboration, building friendships and community...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
New Muslim Cool is a powerful documentary by filmmaker Jennifer Taylor that tells the story of Hamza Pérez, a young Puerto Rican hip hop artist who converted to Islam at age 21, pulling himself off the streets to become a community activist and...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
PAGE (Publicly Active Graduate Education) is Imagining America’s network of, and fellowship program for, early career publicly engaged scholars in the arts, humanities, and design. PAGE broadens notions of scholarship and professionalization within...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
Springboard for the Arts is an economic and community development organization in St. Paul MN that cultivates vibrant communities by connecting artists with the skills, information, and services they need to impact positive and sustained growth....
Last Updated: August 14, 2014


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